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a1() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
a2() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
abc() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
abc2() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
act() - Method in class jltk.App
This method is called, every time no other eventhandler is called (on idle).
act() - Method in class jltk.testing.AppTester
activate() - Method in class jltk.Component
Activate the component.
add(int, Object) - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Insert pObject at the specified position in this combobox.
add(int, String) - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Insert pText at the specified position in this combobox.
add(RadioButton) - Method in class jltk.gui.RadioButtonGroup
Add a radio button to this group.
addComponent(Node) - Method in class jltk.Window
Add a component to the window.
alwaysOnTop(boolean) - Method in class jltk.Window
Specify if this window is always on top of every other window.
animation() - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
App - Class in jltk
The class App is a prototype of an eventhandler, which handles basic mouse and keyboard events.
App(int, int) - Constructor for class jltk.App
append(char) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The character (char) will be append to the end of the text component.
append(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The decimal number (double) will be append to the end of the text component.
append(float) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The float number will be append to the end of the text component.
append(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The integer will be append to the end of the text component.
append(long) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The long integer will be append to the end of the text component.
append(ContentType) - Method in class jltk.struc.List
append(Object) - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Append pObject to the Combobox
append(Object) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Appends pObject to the ListView
append(Object) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The float number will be append to the end of the text component.
append(Object[]) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Appends the given array of objects to the ListView
append(Object[]) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextArea
The string representation (.toString()) of the given array elements will be set as new content of the textarea.
append(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Append pText to the Combobox
append(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Appends pText to the ListView
append(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The text will be append to the end of the text component.
append(String[]) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Appends the given String array to the ListView
appendColumn(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Appends a column to the end of this table.
appendColumn(String) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
appendColumn(String, Object[]) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Appends a column with the specified content to the end of this table. pContent must be an array of any kind of objects.
appendColumn(String, String[]) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
appendRow() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Appends a empty row to the end of this table.
appendRow() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
appendRow(Object[]) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Inserts a row with the specified content to the end of this table.
appendRow(Object[]) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
appInstance - Variable in class jltk.Window
AppTester - Class in jltk.testing
Beschreiben Sie hier die Klasse AppTester.
AppTester() - Constructor for class jltk.testing.AppTester
Konstruktor für Objekte der Klasse AppTester
autoplay() - Method in class jltk.gui.Video
autosize() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Increases or decreases the the width of each cell to fit all cells into the visible part of the table.
autosize() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest


backAndforth() - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
billard() - Method in class jltk.testing.PenTest
BinaryTree<ContentType> - Class in jltk.struc
Beschreiben Sie hier die Klasse BinaryTree.
BinaryTree() - Constructor for class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
BinaryTree(ContentType, BinaryTree<ContentType>, BinaryTree<ContentType>) - Constructor for class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
btn - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
button() - Static method in class jltk.Mouse
Return the number of the mouse botton, that was pressed last.
Button - Class in jltk.gui
The Button class represents a button in a gui.
Button(double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Button
Creates the Button
Button(Window, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Button
Creates the Button
buttonNumber - Variable in class jltk.Window


c - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
Konstruktor für Objekte der Klasse Test
CheckBox - Class in jltk.gui
A checkbox is a small box which, can be checked or unchecked.
CheckBox(double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.CheckBox
Creates the check box
CheckBox(Window, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.CheckBox
Creates the check box
chk - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
circ - Variable in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circ1 - Variable in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
Circle - Class in jltk.shape
Beschreiben Sie hier die Klasse Circle.
Circle(double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.shape.Circle
Creates a new circle width the specified radius.
Circle(double, double, double, Window) - Constructor for class jltk.shape.Circle
Creates a new circle width the specified radius.
circleColorMoveTransparency() - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circleContains() - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circleFillColor(String) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circleHide() - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circleIntersect() - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circleLineColor(String) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circleLineWidth(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circleMove(double) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circleMove(double, double) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circles() - Method in class jltk.testing.PenTest
circleSetCenterPosition(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circleSetPosition(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circleShow() - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circPrint() - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circScale(double, double) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circTurn(double, double, double) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
circTurn(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
clear() - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Remove all entries from the combobox
clear() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Removes the current content of the text component.
clear() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
clear() - Method in class jltk.Window
Removes all drawings made by a pen from this window.
clearAll() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Clears the table.
clearData() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Removes all data from the table.
clearSelection() - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Clears the selection of all selected indices.
color - Variable in class jltk.gui.Control
color - Variable in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
ColoredPen - Class in jltk
Beschreiben Sie hier die Klasse Coloredpen.
ColoredPen() - Constructor for class jltk.ColoredPen
Creates a new colored pen on the last created.
ColoredPen(Window) - Constructor for class jltk.ColoredPen
Creates a new colored pen on the specified window.
ComboBox - Class in jltk.gui
A Combobox holds different entries.
ComboBox(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Create the ComboBox.
ComboBox(Window, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Create the combo box
Component - Class in jltk
abstract class Component - The base class for all elements that can be put on a window (e.g. shapes an gui elements).
Component() - Constructor for class jltk.Component
concat(List<ContentType>) - Method in class jltk.struc.List
contains(double, double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return true if the specified point is inside this shape.
contains(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
contains(Shape) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return true, if this shape fully includes the specified shape.
contains(Shape, Shape) - Static method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return true, if pOuter fully includes pInner.
content - Variable in class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
contentIsDouble() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Check, if content of this text component is an double.
contentIsFloat() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Check, if content of this text component is an float.
contentIsInteger() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Check, if content of this text component is an integer.
contentIsLongInteger() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Check, if content of this text component is an long integer.
Control - Class in jltk.gui
abstract class Control - The base class for all gui elements Each element has an absolute position, which is defined by the upper left corner.
Control() - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Control
cPen - Variable in class jltk.testing.PenTest
createColumn(int, String) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
createColumns(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Removes all columns and data and creates the specified number of columns.
createColumns(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
createColumns(String[]) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Removes all columns and data and creates new columns with the specified title.
createColumns(String[]) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
current - Variable in class jltk.struc.List
currentMode - Variable in class jltk.Pen


deactivate() - Method in class jltk.Component
Deactivate the component (grey out).
decrement() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Attempts to increment the slider by one step.
decrement() - Method in class jltk.gui.Spinner
Attempts to increment the spinner by one step.
decrement(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
Attempts to decrement the progress bar by the given value.
decrement(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Spinner
Attempts to increment the spinner by the given number steps.
defaultFrameTitle - Static variable in class jltk.Window
delay(int) - Method in class jltk.App
Delays the execution by the specified amount of milliseconds.
delay(int) - Method in class jltk.Pen
Delays the execution by the specified amount of milliseconds.
delay(long) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Delay execution for this shape for the specfied number of milliseconds
delay(long) - Method in class jltk.Window
Delays the execution by the specified amount of milliseconds.
dequeue() - Method in class jltk.struc.Queue
Remove the first node from queue.
dequeue() - Method in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
deselect() - Method in class jltk.gui.CheckBox
Deselects this check box.
deselect() - Method in class jltk.gui.RadioButton
Deselects this radio button.
deselect(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Deselects the item specified by pIndex
deselect(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Deselects the item specified by pIndex
deselect(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Deselects the specified row.
deselect(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
deselect(int, int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Deselects the specified cell.
deselect(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
deselectAll() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Clears the selection of all selected indices.
deselectAll() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Removes every selection.
deselectAll() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
disableEdit() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Make the text component read-only
disableEditable() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Makes the LiestView read-only
disableEditable() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Makes the table read-only
disableEditable() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
disableFill() - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
Disable fill mode for this pen
disableLineBreak() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextArea
Disable automatic line break see: #enableLineBreak()
disableMultiselect() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Allows one item to be selected at a time.
disableSelection() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Disables selection of cells an rows.
disableSelection() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
disableSnaping() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Disables "snap to tick".
doubleClickTester() - Method in class jltk.testing.PenTest
down() - Method in class jltk.Pen
Lowers the pen down ("puts it on the paper").
drawCircle(double) - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
The colored pen draws a circle with the specified width and height.
drawCircle(double) - Method in class jltk.Pen
The pen draws a circle with the specified radius.
DRAWINGMODE - Static variable in class jltk.Pen
drawRect(double, double) - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
The colored pen draws a rectangle with the specified width and height.
drawRect(double, double) - Method in class jltk.Pen
The pen draws a rectangle with the specified width and height.


enableCellSelection() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Enables selection of single cells.
enableCellSelection() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
enableDrawMode() - Method in class jltk.Pen
Puts the pen into drawing mode.
enableEdit() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Make the text component editable
enableEditable() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Makes the ListView editable
enableEditable() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
enableEditable() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
enableEditable(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Makes the specified row of this table editable.
enableEditable(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
enableEraseMode() - Method in class jltk.Pen
Puts the pen into erase mode.
enableFill() - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
Enable fill mode for this pen
enableLineBreak() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextArea
Enable automatic line break, so that the content will fit into the width of the text area.
enableMultiselect() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Allows one or more items to be selected at a time.
enableMultiSelection() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Enables multi selection of rows or cells.
enableMultiSelection() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
enableRowSelection() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Enables selection of single rows.
enableRowSelection() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
enableSingleSelection() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Enables single selection of rows or cells (only one selection per at the same time).
enableSingleSelection() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
enableSnaping() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Enables "snap to tick.
enqueue(ContentType) - Method in class jltk.struc.Queue
The specified content of type ContentType is append to this queue.
ERASEMODE - Static variable in class jltk.Pen
eventChanged() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
eventEdited() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
eventSelected() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest


fillColor - Variable in class jltk.ColoredPen
fillColor - Variable in class jltk.shape.Shape
fillColor() - Method in class jltk.testing.PenTest
fillEnabled - Variable in class jltk.ColoredPen
first - Variable in class jltk.struc.List
firstWindow - Static variable in class jltk.Window
flipHorizontal() - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
flipVertical() - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
focus() - Method in class jltk.Component
The component gets the input focus.
font - Variable in class jltk.gui.Labeled
font - Variable in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
font - Variable in class jltk.Pen
front() - Method in class jltk.struc.Queue
Return the content of the first node.
fxButton - Variable in class jltk.gui.Button
fxCheckBox - Variable in class jltk.gui.CheckBox
fxCircle - Variable in class jltk.shape.Circle
fxComboBox - Variable in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
fxControl - Variable in class jltk.gui.Control
fxImage - Variable in class jltk.gui.Image
fxImageView - Variable in class jltk.gui.Image
fxLabel - Variable in class jltk.gui.Image
fxLabel - Variable in class jltk.gui.Label
fxLabledComponent - Variable in class jltk.gui.Labeled
fxLine - Variable in class jltk.shape.Line
fxListView - Variable in class jltk.gui.ListView
fxNode - Variable in class jltk.Component
fxPasswordField - Variable in class jltk.gui.PasswordField
fxProgressBar - Variable in class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
fxProgressIndicator - Variable in class jltk.gui.ProgressIndicator
fxRadioButton - Variable in class jltk.gui.RadioButton
fxRect - Variable in class jltk.shape.Rectangle
fxSeparator - Variable in class jltk.gui.Separator
fxShape - Variable in class jltk.shape.Shape
fxSlider - Variable in class jltk.gui.Slider
fxSpinner - Variable in class jltk.gui.Spinner
fxTableView - Variable in class jltk.gui.Table
fxTextArea - Variable in class jltk.gui.TextArea
fxTextField - Variable in class jltk.gui.TextField
fxTextInputControl - Variable in class jltk.gui.TextComponent


g - Variable in class jltk.Pen
g() - Method in class jltk.Window
The GraphicsOCntext of the canvas.
generateList(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
generateQueue(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
getAllItems() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Return all items as String array
getColor() - Method in class jltk.gui.Control
Return the color of the component.
getColor() - Method in class jltk.Window
Return the current Backgroundcolor of this window
getColumn(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns the specified column as string array.
getColumn(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getColumnCount() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns the number of columns of this table.
getContent() - Method in class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
getContent() - Method in class jltk.struc.List
If a current object exists (hasAccess() == true), the current object is returned, otherwise null is returned.
getContentAsDouble() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns the content of the text component as double.
getContentAsFloat() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns the content of the text component as float.
getContentAsInteger() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns the content of the text component as integer.
getContentAsLongInteger() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns the content of the text component as long integer.
getContentAsString() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns the content of the text component as string.
getContentAsStringArray() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextArea
Returns the content of the text area as String array.
getCurrentTime() - Method in class jltk.gui.Video
Return the current time in seconds
getDuration() - Method in class jltk.gui.Video
Return the Duration of this video in seconds
getEndX() - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
Return the x coordinate of the end point.
getEndY() - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
Return the y coordinate of the end point.
getFillColor() - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
Return the current fill color as Color object.
getFont() - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
Returns the name of the font family (also see setFont()).
getFont() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns the name of the font family (also see. setFont()).
getFont() - Method in class jltk.Pen
Return the name of the font, the pen currently use.
getFontSize() - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
Returns the font size.
getFontSize() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns the currently used font size.
getFontSize() - Method in class jltk.Pen
Return the size of the font the pen currently use.
getHeight() - Method in class jltk.gui.Control
Return the height of the component
getHeight() - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
Return the height of this line
getHeight() - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return the height of this shape.
getHeight() - Method in class jltk.Window
Return the height of this window.
getItem(int, int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns the element at the specified position in this table.
getItem(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getItems() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns all items of the table as 2d string array.
getItems() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getKey() - Static method in class jltk.Keyboard
Get the last key pressed, as a String key name identifying the key.
getKeyName(KeyCode) - Static method in class jltk.Keyboard
Translate the "key pad" directional keys according to the status of numlock, and otherwise translate a KeyCode+text into a the key name.
getLast() - Method in class jltk.struc.List
Return the last object of this list, or null if the list is empty,
getLeftTree() - Method in class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
getLength() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns the number of characters in this text component.
getLineColor() - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
Return the current line color as Color object.
getLineWidth() - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return the current used linewidth
getMaxValue() - Method in class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
Gets the maximal value represented by this progress bar
getMaxValue() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Gets the maximal value represented by this slider
getMinValue() - Method in class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
Gets the minimum value represented by this progress bar
getMinValue() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Gets the minimum value represented by this slider
getMouseX() - Method in class jltk.Window
Return the current x-coordinate of the mouse.
getMouseY() - Method in class jltk.Window
Return the current y-coordinate of the mouse.
getRadius() - Method in class jltk.shape.Circle
Return the radius of this cricle
getRightTree() - Method in class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
getRotation() - Method in class jltk.Pen
Returns the current rotation of this pen.
getRotation() - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return the current rotation of this shape.
getRow(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns the specified row as string array.
getRow(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getRowCount() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns the number of rows of this table.
getSelectedCellsIndices() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns the indices of all selected cells.
getSelectedCellsIndices() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getSelectedColumn() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
getSelectedColumn() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getSelectedColumnIndex() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns the index of the selected column and -1, if there is no selection.
getSelectedColumnIndex() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getSelectedColumns() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
getSelectedColumns() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getSelectedColumnsIndices() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Returns the index of the selected item (first item has index 0).
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Returns the index of the selected item (first item has index 0).
getSelectedIndices() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Returns an int array containing all indices of the selected items (first item has index 0).
getSelectedItem() - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Returns the selected item as object.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Returns the selected item as string.
getSelectedItem() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
getSelectedItem() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getSelectedItemAsText() - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Returns the selected item as string.
getSelectedItems() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Return selected items as String array
getSelectedItems() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
getSelectedItems() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getSelectedRow() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns the currently selected row as string array.
getSelectedRow() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getSelectedRowIndex() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns the index of the selected row and -1, if there is no selection.
getSelectedRowIndex() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getSelectedRows() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns returns the currently selected rows as 2-d string array.
getSelectedRows() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getSelectedRowsIndices() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns an int array containing the indices of all selected rows.
getSelectedRowsIndices() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
getSelectedText() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns the selected text in this text component
getSelectionEnd() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns the index of the character, the selction ends.
getSelectionStart() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns the index of the character, the selction starts.
getSize() - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Returns the number of items in this combobox.
getSize() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Returns the number of items in this ListView.
getStartX() - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
Return the x coordinate of the starting point.
getStartY() - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
Return the y coordinate of the starting point.
getText() - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
Returns the text of the labled component.
getTransparancy() - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return the transparancy of this shape. 0.0 means not transparent and 1.0 means full transparent
getTransparency() - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
getValue() - Method in class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
Returns the current value of the progress bar
getValueAsDouble() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Returns the current value as double
getValueAsDouble() - Method in class jltk.gui.Spinner
Returns the current value as double
getValueAsInteger() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Returns the current value as integer
getValueAsInteger() - Method in class jltk.gui.Spinner
Returns the current value as integer
getVolume() - Method in class jltk.gui.Video
Return the current video playback volume.
getWidth() - Method in class jltk.gui.Control
Return the width of the component
getWidth() - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
Return the width of this line
getWidth() - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return the width of this shape.
getWidth() - Method in class jltk.Window
Return the width of this window.
getWindow() - Method in class jltk.App
Return the window object which belongs to this app instance.
getX() - Method in class jltk.Component
Return the x-coordinate of the top left corner of this component
getX() - Static method in class jltk.Mouse
Return the current x-coordinate of the mouse cursor on the current window., no matter if the mouse is pressed or not.
getX() - Method in class jltk.Pen
Returns the x-coordinate of the pen's current location.
getX() - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return the x coordinate of this shape.
getY() - Method in class jltk.Component
Returns the y-coordinate of the top left corner of this component
getY() - Static method in class jltk.Mouse
Return the current y-coordinate of the mouse cursor on the current window., no matter if the mouse is pressed or not.
getY() - Method in class jltk.Pen
Returns the y-coordinate of the pen's current location.
getY() - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return the y coordinate of upper left corner of the bounding box of this shape
grid - Variable in class jltk.Window
gridToFront() - Method in class jltk.Window
Put the grid in the foreground.
gridXTicks - Variable in class jltk.Window
gridYTicks - Variable in class jltk.Window
group - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
GuiTest - Class in jltk.testing
Beschreiben Sie hier die Klasse Test.
GuiTest() - Constructor for class jltk.testing.GuiTest


hasAccess() - Method in class jltk.struc.List
Return true, if a current object exists, else false.
hasFocus - Variable in class jltk.Component
hasFocus - Variable in class jltk.Window
hasFocus() - Method in class jltk.Component
Returns wether the component has focus or not.
hasFocus() - Method in class jltk.Window
Return true, if this windows currently has the focus.
head - Variable in class jltk.struc.Queue
hide() - Method in class jltk.Component
The component is not visible any more
hideGrid() - Method in class jltk.Window
Hides the grid.
hideTickLabels() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Hide tick labels.
hideTickMarks() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Hide tick marks.


Image - Class in jltk.gui
A object of this class is used to show an image.
Image(double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Image
Loads the image from the specified file.
Image(double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Image
Loads the image from the specified file.
Image(Window, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Image
Loads the image from a file.
Image(Window, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Image
Loads the image from the specified file.
image2Clicked() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
imageClicked() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
img - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
img2 - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
increment() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Attempts to increment the slider by one step.
increment() - Method in class jltk.gui.Spinner
Attempts to increment the spinner by one step.
increment(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
Attempts to increment the progress bar by the given value
increment(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Spinner
Attempts to increment the spinner by the given number steps.
init(double, double, double, double, Window, Control) - Method in class jltk.gui.Control
Basic initialisation, like setting postion and size, add the Element to the window.
init(double, double, double, double, Window, Labeled) - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
init(double, double, double, double, Window, TextInputControl) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
init(double, double, Window, Shape) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Basic initialisation, like setting postion and size, add the Element to the window.
init(Node) - Method in class jltk.Component
Basic initialisation for every component which could be placed on a window.
insert(int, Object) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Inserts the string representation of pObject (.toString()) at the specified position in this ListView.
insert(int, String) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Inserts pText at the specified position in this ListView.
insert(ContentType) - Method in class jltk.struc.List
insertColumn(int, String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Inserts a empty column at the specified position of this table.
insertColumn(int, String) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
insertColumn(int, String, Object[]) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Inserts a column with specified content at the specified position of this table.
insertColumn(int, String, String[]) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
insertRow(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Inserts a row with the specified content at the specified position in this table.
insertRow(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
insertRow(int, Object[]) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Inserts a row with the specified content at the specified position in this table.
insertRow(int, Object[]) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
intersects(Shape) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return true, if this shape intersects the specified shape.
intersects(Shape, Shape) - Static method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Return true, if the specified shapes intersects
isEditable() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Returns true if the textcomponent is editable, else false.
isEmpty() - Method in class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
isEmpty() - Method in class jltk.struc.List
Return true, if the list is empty, else true,
isEmpty() - Method in class jltk.struc.Queue
Return true, if the queue is empty, else true,
isEmpty() - Method in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
isEraseModeEnabled() - Method in class jltk.Pen
Return true, if the pen is in erase mode, return false if the pen is in draw mode
isFillEnabled() - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
Return true, if the filling is enabled for this pen.
isKeyDown(String) - Static method in class jltk.Keyboard
Check whether a key, identified by a key name (String), is currently down .
isMouseButtonDown - Variable in class jltk.Window
isPressed() - Static method in class jltk.Mouse
Returns true, if the mouse is pressed, just in the moment this method is called.
isSelected() - Method in class jltk.gui.CheckBox
Returns true, if the check box is selected.
isSelected() - Method in class jltk.gui.RadioButton
Returns true, if the radio button is selected.
isSelected(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Returns true, if the given index is currently selected, otherwise false.
isSelected(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Returns true, if the given index is currently selected, otherwise false.
isSelected(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns true, if the specified row currently is selected.
isSelected(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
isSelected(int, int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Returns true, if the specified cell is selected or not.
isSelected(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
istActive() - Method in class jltk.Component
Returns wether the component is active or not.
isUnderline() - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
Returns wether the component is underline or not.
isUp - Variable in class jltk.Pen
isVisible() - Method in class jltk.Component
Return true, if the component is visible


jltk - package jltk
jltk.gui - package jltk.gui
jltk.shape - package jltk.shape
jltk.struc - package jltk.struc
jltk.testing - package jltk.testing
jltk.util - package jltk.util


Keyboard - Class in jltk
Beschreiben Sie hier die Klasse Keyboard.
Keyboard() - Constructor for class jltk.Keyboard
keyboardBuffer - Variable in class jltk.Window
keyboardTesten() - Method in class jltk.testing.PenTest
keyPressed(KeyCode) - Static method in class jltk.Keyboard
Notifies that a key has been pressed.
keyReleased(KeyCode) - Static method in class jltk.Keyboard
Notifies that a key has been released.


Label - Class in jltk.gui
Label is used to show some text.
Label(double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Label
Creates the label on the specified postion.
Label(Window, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Label
Creates the label
Labeled - Class in jltk.gui
Abstract class Labled - A class for all components having a label (Button, Checkbox, Label)
Labeled() - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Labeled
last - Variable in class jltk.struc.List
lbl - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
leftTree - Variable in class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
Line - Class in jltk.shape
Beschreiben Sie hier die Klasse Line.
Line(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.shape.Line
Creates a new line from (pStartX|pStartY) to (pEndX|pEndY).
Line(double, double, double, double, Window) - Constructor for class jltk.shape.Line
Creates a new rectangle width the specified width and height.
line1 - Variable in class jltk.gui.Table
line2 - Variable in class jltk.gui.Table
lineColor - Variable in class jltk.Pen
lineColor - Variable in class jltk.shape.Shape
lineWidth - Variable in class jltk.Pen
List<ContentType> - Class in jltk.struc
List() - Constructor for class jltk.struc.List
Create an empty list
list1 - Variable in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
listAppend(String) - Method in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
listDeselect(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
listDeselectAll() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
listInsert(String) - Method in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
listIsSelected(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
listNext() - Method in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
listRemove() - Method in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
listToFirst() - Method in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
listToLast() - Method in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
ListView - Class in jltk.gui
A ListView contains objects line by line events: itemSelected, itemEdited
ListView(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.ListView
Create the ListView on the main View
ListView(Window, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.ListView
Creates the ListView
listViewAction() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
listViewSelect(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
lst - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest


Misc - Class in jltk.util
Miscellaneous static helper functions
Misc() - Constructor for class jltk.util.Misc
Mouse - Class in jltk
Mouse() - Constructor for class jltk.Mouse
mouseTest() - Method in class jltk.testing.PenTest
mouseX - Variable in class jltk.Window
mouseY - Variable in class jltk.Window
move(double) - Method in class jltk.Pen
Moves this pen by the specified distance.
move(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Moves this shape by the specified distance into the current direction, see Shape.setRotation(double).
move(double, double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Move this shape by the specified x- and y-sections.
myWindow - Variable in class jltk.Component
myWindow - Variable in class jltk.Pen
myWindow - Variable in class jltk.testing.PenTest


newLine - Variable in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
newLine() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextArea
Appends a new line to the text area.
next() - Method in class jltk.struc.List
If the list is not empty an hasAccess() is true and the current object is not the last object, the current object is set to the successor of this object.


onConfirmed - Variable in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
onContentChanged - Variable in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
onFocusGained - Variable in class jltk.Component
onFocusGained() - Method in class jltk.App
This method is called if the window of this app get the focus.
onFocusGained() - Method in class jltk.testing.AppTester
onFocusLost - Variable in class jltk.Component
onFocusLost() - Method in class jltk.App
This method is called if the window of this app lost the focus.
onFocusLost() - Method in class jltk.testing.AppTester
onKeyPressed(String) - Method in class jltk.App
Will be called, if a key on the keyboard was pressed.
onKeyPressed(String) - Method in class jltk.testing.AppTester
onKeyReleased(String) - Method in class jltk.App
Will be called, if a key on the keyboard was released.
onKeyReleased(String) - Method in class jltk.testing.AppTester
onMouseClicked(int, int) - Method in class jltk.App
Will be called, if the mouse was clicked.
onMouseClicked(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.AppTester
onMouseDoubleClicked(int, int) - Method in class jltk.App
Will be called, if the mouse was double clicked.
onMouseDoubleClicked(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.AppTester
onMouseDragged(int, int) - Method in class jltk.App
Will be called, if the mouse was dragged (pressed and moved).
onMouseMoved(int, int) - Method in class jltk.App
Will be called, if the mouse was moved.
onMouseMoved(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.AppTester
onMousePressed(int, int) - Method in class jltk.App
Will be called, if the mouse was pressed.
onMouseReleased(int, int) - Method in class jltk.App
Will be called, if the mouse was released.
onSelectionChanged - Variable in class jltk.gui.TextComponent


PasswordField - Class in jltk.gui
A passwordfield is a special textfield.
PasswordField(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.PasswordField
Creates an empty password field on the specified postion on the default window.
PasswordField(double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.PasswordField
Creates an text field on the specified postion on the default window.
PasswordField(Window, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.PasswordField
Creates an text field on the specified postion.
pause() - Method in class jltk.gui.Video
Pauses playing the video.
pen - Variable in class jltk.testing.AppTester
Pen - Class in jltk
A pen belongs to a window object.
Pen() - Constructor for class jltk.Pen
Creates a new pen on the last created.
Pen(Window) - Constructor for class jltk.Pen
Creates a new pen on the specified window.
pen1 - Variable in class jltk.testing.PenTest
PenTest - Class in jltk.testing
PenTest() - Constructor for class jltk.testing.PenTest
pgb - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
pgbDecrement(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
pgbIncrement(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
pgbSetValue(double) - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
pgi - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
play() - Method in class jltk.gui.Video
Starts playing the video.
printAvailableFontNames() - Static method in class jltk.util.Misc
Print all available fonts on your system.
ProgressBar - Class in jltk.gui
A linear control which is used for indicating progress.
ProgressBar(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
Creates the progress bar on the specified postion.
ProgressBar(double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
Creates the progress bar on the specified postion.
ProgressBar(Window, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
Creates the progress bar at the specified position
ProgressIndicator - Class in jltk.gui
A circular control which is used for indicating progress.
ProgressIndicator(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.ProgressIndicator
Creates the progress indicator on the specified postion.
ProgressIndicator(Window, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.ProgressIndicator
Creates the progress indicator at the specified position
pwd - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest


Queue<ContentType> - Class in jltk.struc
The generic class Queue is a linear data structure that stores elements in a FIFO (First In, First Out) order.
Queue() - Constructor for class jltk.struc.Queue
Objects managed by this queue must be of type ContentType
queue1 - Variable in class jltk.testing.StrucTester


RadioButton - Class in jltk.gui
A radio button can be checked or unchecked.
RadioButton(double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.RadioButton
Creates the radio button
RadioButton(Window, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.RadioButton
Creates the check box
RadioButtonGroup - Class in jltk.gui
A radio button group can contain multiple radio buttons.
RadioButtonGroup() - Constructor for class jltk.gui.RadioButtonGroup
Creates a empty Radio button group
rand - Variable in class jltk.testing.StrucTester
rbtn - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
rbtn2 - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
rect - Variable in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
Rectangle - Class in jltk.shape
Beschreiben Sie hier die Klasse Rectangle.
Rectangle(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.shape.Rectangle
Creates a new rectangle width the specified width and height.
Rectangle(double, double, double, double, Window) - Constructor for class jltk.shape.Rectangle
Creates a new rectangle width the specified width and height.
rectFlip() - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
rectPrint() - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
rectScale(double, double) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
rectScaleTo(double, double) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
rectSetCenterPosition(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
rectSetPosition(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
rectSetRotation(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
rectTurn(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
refresh() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Refresh/Rebuild the table.
refresh() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
remove() - Method in class jltk.struc.List
remove(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Remove the item at the specified index (first item has index 0).
remove(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Remove the item at the specified index (first item has index 0).
remove(RadioButton) - Method in class jltk.gui.RadioButtonGroup
Remove a radio button from this group.
removeAll() - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Removes all entries from the ListView
removeColumn(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Removes the column at the specified position of this table.
removeColumns(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
removeRow(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Removes the row at the specified position of this table.
removeRow(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
rightTree - Variable in class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
rotate - Variable in class jltk.shape.Shape
rotation - Variable in class jltk.Pen
runMethodByName(String) - Method in class jltk.Component
Runs the method pMethodenname.


scale - Variable in class jltk.shape.Shape
scale(double, double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Scale the shape with the specified factors.
scaleTo(double, double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Scale the shape to the specified width and height.
select() - Method in class jltk.gui.CheckBox
Selects this check box.
select() - Method in class jltk.gui.RadioButton
Selects this radio button.
select(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Selects (highlights) the item specified by pIndex
select(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Selects (highlights) the item specified by pIndex
select(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Selects the specified row
select(int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
select(int, int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Selects the specified cell.
select(int, int) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
selectAll() - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Selects all cells.
selectAll() - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Selects the whole text
selectAll() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
sep - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
separator - Variable in class jltk.struc.Queue
Separator - Class in jltk.gui
A horizontal or vertical separator line.
Separator(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Separator
Create a new separator line.
Separator(Window, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Separator
Creates an text field on the specified postion.
seperator - Variable in class jltk.struc.List
set(int, Object) - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Replace the item at the specified position in this combobox with pObject (first item has index 0).
set(int, Object) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Replaces the item at the specified position in this ListView with the string representation of pObject (.toString(), first item has index 0).
set(int, String) - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Replace the item at the specified position in this combobox with pText (first item has index 0).
set(int, String) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Replaces the item at the specified position in this ListView with pText (first item has index 0).
setAppInstance(App) - Method in class jltk.Window
Set the attribute appInstance to an instance of a subclass of App, which use this screen.
setCenterPosition(double, double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Set the center of the shape to the specified position.
setColor(double, double, double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Control
The background color of the component will be changed to specified rgb-color
setColor(double, double, double) - Method in class jltk.Window
The background color of the window will be changed to specified rgb-color
setColor(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Control
The background color of the component will be changed.
setColor(String) - Method in class jltk.Window
The background color of the window will be changed.
setColor(Color) - Method in class jltk.gui.Control
The backgroundcolor of the component will be changed.
setColor(Color) - Method in class jltk.Window
The background color of the window will be changed to specified color
setColumnTitle(int, String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Sets the title of the specified column.
setColumnWidth(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Set the width of every column to the specified width in pixel.
setColumnWidth(int, int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Set the width of the specified column to the specified width in pixel.
setContent(char) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The text component gets a new char as content
setContent(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The text component gets a new decimal number (double) as content
setContent(float) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The text component gets a new decimal number (float) as content
setContent(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The text component gets a new integer as content
setContent(long) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The text component gets a new long integer as content
setContent(ContentType) - Method in class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
setContent(ContentType) - Method in class jltk.struc.List
If a current object exists (hasAccess() == true) and pContent is not null, the current object is set to pContent.
setContent(Object) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The text component gets the text representation of the given object (pObject.toString()) as content
setContent(Object[]) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextArea
The string representation (.toString()) of the given array elements will be append line by line to the textarea
setContent(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.PasswordField
setContent(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The text component gets a new text as content
setContent(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextField
The text field gets a new String as content
setDefault() - Method in class jltk.Pen
Sets the standard values for this pen.
setEndX(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
Set the new x coordinate for the end point
setEndY(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
Set the new y coordinate for the end point
setFillColor(double, double, double) - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
The fillcolor of the component will be changed to specified rgb-color
setFillColor(double, double, double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
The fillcolor of the shape will be changed to specified rgb-color
setFillColor(String) - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
The fill color of the pen will be changed to the specified color.
setFillColor(String) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
The fill color of the shape will be changed to the specified color.
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
The fill color of the component will be changed to the specified color
setFillColor(Color) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
The fill color of the shape will be changed to the specified color
setFont(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
Sets the font family, as parameter you can use e.g.
setFont(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Sets the font family, as parameter you can use e.g.
setFont(String) - Method in class jltk.Pen
Set the font, the pen should use.
setFontColor(double, double, double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
The font color of the component will be changed to specified rgb-color
setFontColor(double, double, double) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
The font color of the text component will be changed to specified rgb-color
setFontColor(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
The font color of the component will be changed.
setFontColor(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
setFontColor(Color) - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
The font color of the component will be changed to specified color
setFontColor(Color) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
setFontSize(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
Sets the size of the text
setFontSize(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Sets the size of the text
setFontSize(double) - Method in class jltk.Pen
Set the font size to the specified value.
setFontStyle(boolean, boolean) - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
Set the font style of this labled component.
setFontStyle(boolean, boolean) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Set the font style of this text component.
setFontStyle(boolean, boolean) - Method in class jltk.Pen
Set the font style of the pen.
setHeight(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Control
Set the new height of this component to the specified value.
setHeight(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Video
Set the new height of this media to the specified value.
setHeight(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Rectangle
Set the new Height for this rectangle
setImage(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Image
Set a new image and scale it to the width an height of the old image
setItem(int, int, String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Replaces the item at the specified postion in this table.
setItem(int, int, String) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
setItems() - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
setItems(Object[][]) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Sets the specified content as new content for the tables.
setItems(Object[][], String[]) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Sets the specified content as new content for the tables. pTitles specifies the column title.
setItems(String[]) - Method in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
setLabledTickDistance(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Sets the ditance between two labled ticks.
setLeftTree(BinaryTree<ContentType>) - Method in class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
setLineColor(double, double, double) - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
The line color of the component will be changed to specified rgb-color
setLineColor(double, double, double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
The linecolor of the shape will be changed to specified rgb-color
setLineColor(String) - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
The line color of the pen will be changed.
setLineColor(String) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
The line color of the shape will be changed to the specified color.
setLineColor(Color) - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
The line color of the pen will be changed to specified color
setLineColor(Color) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
The line color of the shape will be changed to the specified color
setLineWidth(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Set the width of the line/border to the specified value.
setMaxValue(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
Sets the maximal value represented by this progress bar
setMaxValue(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Sets the maximal value represented by this slider
setMinValue(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
Sets the minimum value represented by this progress bar
setMinValue(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Sets the minimum value represented by this slider
setOnButtonClicked(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Button
Set the name of the method, which will be invoked, if the button is clicked.
setOnCellEdited(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Sets the name of the method, which should be invoke, if a cell was edited.
setOnCellSelected(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Sets the name of the method, which should be invoke, if a selection was made.
setOnChanged(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Sets the name of the method, which will be invoked, if the slider is changed
setOnChanged(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Spinner
Sets the name of the method, which will be invoked, if the spinner is changed
setOnConfirmed(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Set the name of the method which will be invoked, if the content of the text component changed .
setOnContentChanged(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
Sets the name of the method, which should be invoke, if the table data where changed.
setOnContentChanged(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Set the name of the method, which will be invoked, it the user confirms change (Enter pressed).
setOnDeselected(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.CheckBox
Sets the name of the method, which will be invoked, if the checkbox is selected
setOnDeselected(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.RadioButton
Sets the name of the method, which will be invoked, if the radio button is selected
setOnFocusGained(String) - Method in class jltk.Component
Set the name of the method, which will be invoked,if this component gets the focus.
setOnFocusLost(String) - Method in class jltk.Component
Set the name of the method, which will be invoked, if this component lost the focus.
setOnImageClicked(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Image
Set the name of the method, which will be invoked, if the image is clicked.
setOnItemEdited(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Set the name of the method, which should be invoke, if the edit of an item of the ListView is comitted.
setOnItemSelected(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.ComboBox
Sets the name of the method, which should be invoke, if an item of the combobox is selected.
setOnItemSelected(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.ListView
Set the name of the method, which should be invoke, if an item of the ListView is selected.
setOnRadiobuttonClicked(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.RadioButton
Sets the name of the method, which will be invoked if the radio button is clicked.
setOnSelected(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.CheckBox
Sets the name of the method, which will be invoked, if the checkbox is selected
setOnSelected(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.RadioButton
Sets the name of the method, which will be invoked, if the radio button is selected
setOnSelectionChanged(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.TextComponent
Set the name of the method, which will be invoked, it the user confirms change (Enter pressed).
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class jltk.Component
The component gets a new position (top left corner)
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class jltk.Pen
Moves this pen to the position (x1/y1).
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
Methode setPosition
setPosition(double, double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Set the upper left corner of the shape to the specified position.
setRadius(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Circle
Set the new radius of this circle.
setRightTree(BinaryTree<ContentType>) - Method in class jltk.struc.BinaryTree
setRotation(double) - Method in class jltk.Pen
Set the rotation of this pen.
setRotation(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Set the rotation of this shape to the specified angle.
setSize(double, double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Control
Sets the new size of the component.
setSize(double, double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Video
Sets the new size of the media.
setStartX(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
Set the new x coordinate for the start point
setStartY(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
Set the new y coordinate for the start point
setText(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
Set the text of the labled component.
setTextAlignment(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
Aligns the text to the specified position
setTitle(String) - Method in class jltk.Window
Set the title of this window to the specified name.
setTooltip(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Control
This component get an tooltip.
setTransparancy(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Set the transparancy oh this shape to the specified value. pValue mus between 0.0 (not transparent) and 1.0 (transparent)
setTransparency(double) - Method in class jltk.ColoredPen
setUnderline(boolean) - Method in class jltk.gui.Labeled
If the parameter ist true, the text of this component will be underline.
setUnlabledTickCount(int) - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Set the amount of unlabled ticks between two labled ticks.
setValue(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.ProgressBar
Sets the value of the progress bar to the specified value.
setValue(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Sets the value of the slider to the specified value.
setVolume(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Video
Set the video playback volume.
setWidth(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Control
Set the new width of this component to the specified value.
setWidth(double) - Method in class jltk.gui.Video
Set the new width of this media to the specified value.
setWidth(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Rectangle
Set the new width for this rectangle
Shape - Class in jltk.shape
Shape() - Constructor for class jltk.shape.Shape
ShapeTests - Class in jltk.testing
Beschreiben Sie hier die Klasse ShapeTests.
ShapeTests() - Constructor for class jltk.testing.ShapeTests
Konstruktor für Objekte der Klasse ShapeTests
show() - Method in class jltk.Component
The component will be hiden.
showGrid() - Method in class jltk.Window
Showing a grid for this windows.
showTickLabels() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Show tick labels.
showTickMarks() - Method in class jltk.gui.Slider
Show tick marks.
sld - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
Slider - Class in jltk.gui
A slider ist used to select a numeric value from a continuous or discrete range.
Slider(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Slider
Creates the slider on the specified postion.
Slider(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Slider
Creates the spinner on the specified postion.
Slider(Window, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Slider
Creates the spinner at the specified position
Slider(Window, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Slider
Creates the spinner at the specified position
sliderAction() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
Spinner - Class in jltk.gui
A single line with an up and down arrow, that let you select a number or an object.
Spinner(double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Spinner
Creates the spinner on the specified postion.
Spinner(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Spinner
Creates the spinner on the specified postion.
Spinner(double, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Spinner
Creates the spinner on the specified postion.
Spinner(double, double, double, double, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Spinner
Creates the spinner on the specified postion.
Spinner(Window, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Spinner
Creates the spinner at the specified position
Spinner(Window, double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Spinner
Creates the spinner at the specified position
Spinner(Window, double, double, double, double, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Spinner
Creates the spinner at the specified position
Spinner(Window, double, double, double, double, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Spinner
Creates the spinner at the specified position
spinnerAction() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
spn - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
stop() - Method in class jltk.gui.Video
Stops playing the video.
StrucTester - Class in jltk.testing
Beschreiben Sie hier die Klasse StrucTester.
StrucTester() - Constructor for class jltk.testing.StrucTester


TabellenTest - Class in jltk.testing
TabellenTest() - Constructor for class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
Konstruktor für Objekte der Klasse TabellenTest
Table - Class in jltk.gui
A table events: cellselected, cellEdited, contentChanged
Table(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Table
Create the Table on the main View
Table(Window, double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Table
Creates the Table
tail - Variable in class jltk.struc.Queue
tbl - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
tbl - Variable in class jltk.testing.TabellenTest
test(String) - Method in class jltk.gui.Table
TextArea - Class in jltk.gui
A text area can contain multi-line text events: confirmed, selectionChanged, contentChanged
TextArea(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.TextArea
Creates a empty text area on the specified postion.
TextArea(double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.TextArea
Creates a text area on the specified postion.
TextArea(Window, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.TextArea
Creates a text area on the specified position and window.
TextComponent - Class in jltk.gui
A abstract class for all text components events: confirmed, selectionChanged, contentChanged
TextComponent() - Constructor for class jltk.gui.TextComponent
TextField - Class in jltk.gui
In a textfield you can put one single line of text.
TextField(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.TextField
Creates an empty text field on the specified postion on the default window.
TextField(double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.TextField
Creates an text field on the specified postion on the default window.
TextField(Window, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.TextField
Creates an text field on the specified postion.
textFieldAction() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
textFieldMarkierungSetzen() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
textHeight(String) - Method in class jltk.Pen
Return the height of the giving text using the font settings of this pen
textWidth(String) - Method in class jltk.Pen
Return the width of the giving text using the font settings of this pen
theApp - Static variable in class jltk.App
toBack() - Method in class jltk.Component
toFirst() - Method in class jltk.struc.List
Set the current object to the first object.
toFront() - Method in class jltk.Component
toFront() - Method in class jltk.Window
Moves this window to the front of all other windows.
toggle() - Method in class jltk.gui.CheckBox
Toggles the check box (change the state)
toggle() - Method in class jltk.gui.RadioButton
Toggles the radio button (change the state)
toLast() - Method in class jltk.struc.List
Set the current object to the last object.
topWindow - Static variable in class jltk.Window
toString() - Method in class jltk.struc.List
toString() - Method in class jltk.struc.Queue
Return the string representation of this queue.
transparancy - Variable in class jltk.shape.Shape
turn(double) - Method in class jltk.Pen
Turn this pen by the specified amount (in degrees).
turn(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Line
turn(double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Turn this shape by the specified angle (in degrees).
turn(double, double, double) - Method in class jltk.shape.Shape
Turn this schape by the specified angle (in degrees) arround the specified turning center Zero degrees is to the east (right-hand side of the window), and the angle increases clockwise.
turnTowards(double, double) - Method in class jltk.Pen
Turn this pen to face towards the specified location.
txA - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
txt - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest


up() - Method in class jltk.Pen
Lifts the pen up.


vid1 - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
Video - Class in jltk.gui
The Video class represents a video in the gui.
Video(double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Video
Creates a video view with the specified size.
Video(double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Video
Creates a video view with the specified width.
Video(Window, double, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Video
Creates a video view on the specified window with the specified size.
Video(Window, double, double, double, String) - Constructor for class jltk.gui.Video
Creates a video view on the specified window with the specified width.
videoInfo() - Method in class jltk.testing.GuiTest


wasDoubleclick() - Static method in class jltk.Mouse
Return true, if the last mouse click was a double click.
wasDoubleClick - Variable in class jltk.Window
window - Variable in class jltk.App
Window - Class in jltk
A object of this class represents a window of an graphical user interface (gui).
Window() - Constructor for class jltk.Window
Creates a window that fills the entire screen
Window(int, int) - Constructor for class jltk.Window
Creates a window with the specified size.
Window(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class jltk.Window
Creates a window with the specified size and the specified position.
Window(int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class jltk.Window
Creates a window with the specified size, the specified position and the specified title.
window2 - Variable in class jltk.testing.GuiTest
windowID - Static variable in class jltk.Window
write(char) - Method in class jltk.Pen
The pen writes the specified character.
write(double) - Method in class jltk.Pen
The pen writes the specified double value.
write(float) - Method in class jltk.Pen
The pen writes the specified float value.
write(int) - Method in class jltk.Pen
The pen writes the specified integer.
write(long) - Method in class jltk.Pen
The pen writes the specified long integer.
write(String) - Method in class jltk.Pen
The pen writes the specified text.


x - Variable in class jltk.Pen
x - Variable in class jltk.shape.Shape
xOffset - Variable in class jltk.shape.Shape


y - Variable in class jltk.Pen
y - Variable in class jltk.shape.Shape
yOffset - Variable in class jltk.shape.Shape
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