Button |
The Button class represents a button in a gui.
CheckBox |
A checkbox is a small box which, can be checked or unchecked.
ComboBox |
A Combobox holds different entries.
Control |
abstract class Control - The base class for all gui elements
Each element has an absolute position, which is defined by the upper left corner.
Image |
A object of this class is used to show an image.
Label |
Label is used to show some text.
Labeled |
Abstract class Labled - A class for all components having a label (Button, Checkbox, Label)
ListView |
A ListView contains objects line by line
events: itemSelected, itemEdited
PasswordField |
A passwordfield is a special textfield.
ProgressBar |
A linear control which is used for indicating progress.
ProgressIndicator |
A circular control which is used for indicating progress.
RadioButton |
A radio button can be checked or unchecked.
RadioButtonGroup |
A radio button group can contain multiple radio buttons.
Separator |
A horizontal or vertical separator line.
Slider |
A slider ist used to select a numeric value from a continuous or discrete range.
Spinner |
A single line with an up and down arrow, that let you select a number or an object.
Table |
A table
events: cellselected, cellEdited, contentChanged
TextArea |
A text area can contain multi-line text
events: confirmed, selectionChanged, contentChanged
TextComponent |
A abstract class for all text components
events: confirmed, selectionChanged, contentChanged
TextField |
In a textfield you can put one single line of text.
Video |
The Video class represents a video in the gui.