Package jltk.shape

Class Circle

  • public class Circle
    extends Shape
    Beschreiben Sie hier die Klasse Circle.
    (eine Versionsnummer oder ein Datum)
    (Ihr Name)
    • Field Detail

      • fxCircle

        protected javafx.scene.shape.Circle fxCircle
    • Constructor Detail

      • Circle

        public Circle​(double pX,
                      double pY,
                      double pRadius)
        Creates a new circle width the specified radius. The circle is centered on the specifed position.
        pX - The x-coordinate of the center
        pY - The y-coordinate of the center
        pRadius - The radius of the circle
      • Circle

        public Circle​(double pX,
                      double pY,
                      double pRadius,
                      Window pWindow)
        Creates a new circle width the specified radius. It is placed on the specified windows. The circle is centered on the specifed position.
        pX - The x-coordinate of the center
        pY - The y-coordinate of the center
        pRadius - The radius of the circle
        pWindow - The windows, the circle should place
    • Method Detail

      • setRadius

        public void setRadius​(double pRadius)
        Set the new radius of this circle.
        pRadius - The new radius
      • getRadius

        public double getRadius()
        Return the radius of this cricle
        The radius of this circle.