Package jltk.gui

Class PasswordField

  • public class PasswordField
    extends TextComponent
    A passwordfield is a special textfield. If you write a text in a password field, the text will mask. events: confirmed, selectionChanged, contentChanged
    • Field Detail

      • fxPasswordField

        protected javafx.scene.control.PasswordField fxPasswordField
    • Constructor Detail

      • PasswordField

        public PasswordField​(double pLeft,
                             double pTop,
                             double pWidth,
                             double pHeight)
        Creates an empty password field on the specified postion on the default window.
        pLeft - The horizontal coordinate
        pTop - The vertical coordinate
        pWidth - The width of the password field
        pHeight - The height of the password field
      • PasswordField

        public PasswordField​(double pLeft,
                             double pTop,
                             double pWidth,
                             double pHeight,
                             String pText)
        Creates an text field on the specified postion on the default window.
        pLeft - The horizontal coordinate
        pTop - The vertical coordinate
        pWidth - The width of the password field
        pHeight - The height of the password field
        pText - The text of the password field
      • PasswordField

        public PasswordField​(Window pWindow,
                             double pLeft,
                             double pTop,
                             double pWidth,
                             double pHeight,
                             String pText)
        Creates an text field on the specified postion.
        pLeft - The horizontal coordinate
        pTop - The vertical coordinate
        pWidth - The width of the password field
        pHeight - The height of the password field
        pWindow - The window, the password field should be placed
        pText - The label of the password field
    • Method Detail

      • setContent

        public void setContent​(String pContent)
        Description copied from class: TextComponent
        The text component gets a new text as content
        setContent in class TextComponent
        pContent - The new text for the text component.