Package jltk

Class Mouse

  • public class Mouse
    extends Object
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static int button()
      Return the number of the mouse botton, that was pressed last.
      static int getX()
      Return the current x-coordinate of the mouse cursor on the current window., no matter if the mouse is pressed or not.
      static int getY()
      Return the current y-coordinate of the mouse cursor on the current window., no matter if the mouse is pressed or not.
      static boolean isPressed()
      Returns true, if the mouse is pressed, just in the moment this method is called.
      static boolean wasDoubleclick()
      Return true, if the last mouse click was a double click.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Mouse

        public Mouse()
    • Method Detail

      • getX

        public static int getX()
        Return the current x-coordinate of the mouse cursor on the current window., no matter if the mouse is pressed or not.
        x-coordinate of the mouse cursor
      • getY

        public static int getY()
        Return the current y-coordinate of the mouse cursor on the current window., no matter if the mouse is pressed or not.
        y-coordinate of the mouse cursor
      • isPressed

        public static boolean isPressed()
        Returns true, if the mouse is pressed, just in the moment this method is called.
        true, if mouse is pressed.
      • wasDoubleclick

        public static boolean wasDoubleclick()
        Return true, if the last mouse click was a double click.
        true, if the last click was a double click.
      • button

        public static int button()
        Return the number of the mouse botton, that was pressed last. Mostly 1 is the left button, 2 the middle button an 3 the right button. If no button was pressed, 0 is returned.
        The number of mouse button